Elijah Fiorenza
"On the eve of Easter my thoughts go to all of you to tell you my love, my neighborhood, my hope, the assurance of my prayers, my willingness to accompany you on your journey of faith. " So starts the Easter message sent to the Diocese of Locri - Gerace by Bishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini. The Archbishop wishes' a joyous and festive Easter serene intimacy of your families, reconciled to God through the Easter sacraments, at the end of the Lenten journey. The economic difficulties of the present moment, which increase of the chronic problems of our country, are definitely not an element of serenity and joy. But it is also Easter, and despite this climate of increased difficulty and uncertainty. " "We - Bishop continues Morosini - we must never lose hope because we are called to account for the hope that is within us. We must continue to trust in the Lord and in our capacity for endurance and recovery. Moreover, the victory of the risen Lord over death gives us cause for hope: he gives us strength to endure the present moment and help ferry us to overcome our difficulties. " Morosini The bishop hopes that "the Risen gives us hope that we ourselves victorious evil within us and around us. " "Easter - said the pastor - we will be happy and full of benefits, if we celebrate it in a truly Christian. Then I urge you, my dear brothers, to make good use of all the initiatives that the liturgical and traditional. Our ancestors have left us a legacy for many Holy Week rites and ceremonies, with whom they wanted to show visually the contents of faith through the liturgical rites celebrating. Our effort now should be to restore these rites to their original motivation, returning to their central liturgical celebrations. It is nice to see the streets crowded on Easter morning to celebrate the meeting with the risen Jesus and Mary to see that in the Church during the Easter Vigil there is little people. E 'instead of the Vigil on Saturday and Sunday, the true celebration of Easter is the center of it all year round and the heart of our faith. The same applies to the rites of Good Friday. E 'in the Church that we are doing our act of faith in the cross of Christ, then the cross, in which we believe and where we have put our hope, we carry on our streets, demanding that it give light and strength to all events of life. " In conclusion, the bishop of Locri - Gerace is sure "how much is taken in different countries in these rites, but you will realize that this is not to abolish anything, but only to tidy up everything on a scale of values. It takes little, my dear, to replace everything in the right order: first the liturgical rites, and popular devotions. We must also consider whether all the rites handed down through tradition respond to the true meaning of the liturgy. It will be a reflection of commitment to the new year. I know that your faith is great: it is that I appeal for you to understand and accept my invitation. I rely on a sense of responsibility and dedication of the various fraternities and Committees festivities. Again, Happy Easter. "