Monday, January 25, 2010

Biscuit Krusteaz Pancake

Against Dada - Part I & II


Art, as representation of Truth , should be venerated. Dadaism therefore, call himself "anti-art", it should be deprecated .

End Part I

Part II

" reason and logic had left the people of the horrors of war, and the only way of salvation was the rejection of logic to embrace ' anarchy and the irrational. However, this can be understood as the logical side of anarchy and rejection of values \u200b\u200band order. The systematic destruction of values, then it is not irrational, if you think that should be implemented. "( Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya (2005). Gardner's Art Through the Ages . )

considered the Dadaists and then reason and logic as the crowd start 900.
not diverted a reason and a logic incorrect.

reevaluate Dadaism when they proclaimed the decapitation as a cure for cancer.

End Part II

"Tristan Tzara with glasses, mustache horns, tongue and offense to Tristan Tzara "Vincent Polka, pixel to pixel, 200x251, 2010, private collection


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