of IVAN VACCARI - Discovery unprecedented authentic recording, entitled "Massacre Campanella's partisans, "dating from 1862-63. The lithograph, engraved by James Carey (1812-1887 Piedmont ) , steel, in excellent condition, measures 29 x 19 a full page on heavy paper, with white margins and white back, is the work the famous artist Antonio Masutti Friulian (1813-1892 ), considered among the best designers of his era lithographers. The valuable and beautiful lithograph portrays the brother in church, with the Dominican habit and cross flag in hand, surrounded by his followers in disbelief and appalled at having been discovered, his face streaked with fear, almost seeing the fate that was soon to come. The brother, in fact, points to her a English soldier who, from a high window of the church, indicates the finger pointing downwards, the rebels, giving away the army intervention to quell the conspiracy. Tommaso Campanella, a Dominican friar, from his youth assumed a of rebellion against constituted authority and to the dogma imposed at that time. He devoted himself with zeal, and hidden, the reading of texts that contradicted and criticized the beliefs of Aristotle's time, the monastic scholasticism, the corruption of the Church. He was fascinated by the magic and astrology. Singular, which reflects its full state of mind and inner conviction, is a step in the philosophical poem "The World": I was born to eradicate extreme three evils: tyranny, sophistry, hypocrisy . For his revolutionary ideas, after undergoing several processes for heresy in 1598 was forcibly compelled to return to Calabria, Stilo, in the convent of Santa Mary of Jesus, by which it wanted to force forced back, isolated, to disavow their declared heretical doctrines. The monk, however, remained peaceful ponder in her convent. In Calabria discontent reigned for the loss caused by the domination of the Spaniards, the population was oppressed, living in hardship and completely isolated politically and culturally. The English power, at first, had been seen by the monk what hope for the desired formation of a political community universal that could revive the fortunes of the battered people Calabrese. In reality, the English, rather than restrain the arbitrary and feudal barons, they added, that, even their own. Campanella accused the English government with the principles of non-Christians and not to be the much hoped for salvation from the people Calabrese. Relying on the anti-English fervor, believing that the end of the world was near, as predicted by Joachim of Fiore (Calabria another friar, ca. 1130-1202), and confirmed by their astrological observations, he was convinced that the imminent arrival the new century was fateful for the change hoped. It was necessary to plot a conspiracy to overthrow English rule in Calabria and to establish the "Republic Calabrese" as a society based on a single political community, a unique and natural religion (principles that will govern the preparation of the City of the Sun "- 1902). Therefore, in early 1599, began in a church in Stilo, to disseminate these ideas of rebellion, redemption and social cultural, political upheaval, with the ultimate objective of the birth of the Republic, the most perfect, ideal and wonderful world, led by the Holy Father. His words and his innate charisma crossed the threshold of the town of Stilo, to receive the support not only of monks, including bishops, bandits, local nobles and even the Turks. The Spaniards, through carelessness and accusations, they discovered the plot and sent in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rebels, the prince of Cariati, Charles Spinelli, with the task to choke on the rise, the revolt against the Spaniards. The friar, on its way to the utopian dream, shared by many, was betrayed and arrested with other followers before being published in Naples in September 1599. He was tried for the serious accusations of heresy and rebellion against the Catholic King Philip III of Spain. After atrocious torture, Campanella and not confessed, pretending crazy, managed to escape from a death sentence, transformed into that of perpetual imprisonment. Prison that lasted twenty-seven years. His death took place in Paris, May 21, 1639.
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